Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Acknowledging a Mother's Love

With the celebration of Mother's Day so close upon us it is natural to wonder how we can let that someone special know how deeply she has touched our life.

Perhaps by noticing the way we have been affected through the very experience of being in her PRESENCE through our witnessing of
... her kindness and caring and acts of service

...her commitment to help us keep growing and discover our gifts

...her unending faith in our goodness

...her delight
in learning of the adventures of our lives.

And perhaps, most importantly, by witnessing the way she moves through the challenges of her life.

Giving voice or words to these thoughts would be a beautiful acknowledgment of a life well lived...

but even just the REFLECTION alone places them into the universal consciousness

...honoring the LOVE we have received from our mothers and adding to the treasure of GRACE illuminating the world.

1 comment:

  1. I am blessed to have a mother who DID touch my life in that way. I wish everyone was as lucky as me. Thanks mom!
