Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Joy of Receiving

Joy is a commodity we all want to experience...and we go to great lengths to find it.  

Often we orchestrate the joy by deciding to DO something that we passionately enjoy. 

And  this is a beautiful avenue of entry into this glorious state.  It is a direct we consciously choose to experience.

There is, however, a path to Joy not so ordinarily accessed.  But it holds the promise and opportunity for tremendous happiness...the path of Receiving.

When we open ourselves to what is flowing INTO our lives, we intersect with a myriad of energies surrounding and moving through us.  Each of these energies holds the opportunity for us to give to and receive love from others and ourselves and to address issues that need to be felt, accepted and released. 

A single phrase uttered by someone nearby...the realization that we cannot bring ourselves to do a certain household chore...the inspiring email we receive...the tears that keep appearing when we remember a moment of our defensiveness or reaction...

EVERYTHING that comes into our path...into our consciousness... is a message flowing in from the Divine Universe to help us on our path of healing.

Spiritual author Gary Zukav says 

You cannot, and will not, encounter a circumstance, or a single   moment that does not serve directly and immediately the need of your soul to  heal.

What an inspiring and soothing thought that is...the belief that

 EV-ER-Y-THING that comes into our lives is there to guide us!  

Our work is to pay conscious attention to the guideposts and  open ourselves to the lessons. 

Now THIS is the Ultimate Heavenly University.  We don't even need to apply.  We're already accepted.  And the studies we need to undertake AND the  guidance we need to master them just magically appear for our consideration every single day.

But...we have to be aware that all of this beautiful support is there.  We need a generous supply of, confidence and belief in how deeply loved and cared for we truly are.

With that strong and steady faith... and that vibrant confidence...and that unwavering  belief...we are poised to experience the glorious Joy of Receiving what is continually being created to help us heal and, ultimately ensure our happiness.

                                                                                   Marie Helena

image from
originally printed October 3, 2012

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