Saturday, February 11, 2017

Setting the Angel Free

When you express what you really are in life, only beauty can come out of you, only joy and respect and happiness.
                               don Miguel Ruiz

We have all experienced very special moments in our lives when the things we say and do are beautiful, inspired, affirming and encouraging to others.  Everything flows unerringly from our intuition… our sense of knowing...about what is important in life.  These are sacred shimmerings of grace when we affect others in a profound way with our love, caring and compassion.

THIS is Who We Truly Are.

But there are also moments when we say and do things that are not filled with love and generosity, when our pride or ego or fear orchestrates our thoughts, words and actions and negative emotions spill out of us like emotionally orphaned children who have not been loved and shown how wonderful they are.

And, like those orphaned children, in this space we do not reside fully in the safe and powerful place of knowing our true worth.  And so we are left with a broken image which we try to repair at times by pointing out to others what is wrong with them. thereby attempting to prove to ourselves that we are right.

We feel lost in the illusion that we are not OK.

But this behavior of ours which naturally produces discomfort and unrest is ONLY indicative of the trappings of earth school. 
This is not who we are.  It proceeds from the role of limitation which we willingly embraced in  this dimension in order to learn how to transcend it, expanding the spiritual evolution of ourselves and all earth dwellers.

We have the ability to go forth, learn to witness and reflect upon our choices and actions and change what does not bring us peace and soul satisfaction. 

We can learn to listen to our hearts for guidance and direction regarding our choice of how to live. 

We can turn away from our egoic efforts to prevail, our attempts to prove our worthiness and recognize, instead, that we are all journeying together, learning to find what makes us truly happy. 

And it is in that transcension, that stunning return to our spiritual heritage...when all of our actions are sourced in LOVE...that only beauty and joy and respect and happiness flow through us.

This is the glory of Who We Truly Are, the touchstone of the transcendent return to our spiritual field of dreams.

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free –

                                                                                Marie Helena

image from

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