Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Morning Journey

originally printed April 2012

It's Easter Sundayand the most beautiful occasion to experience a connection with the earth and its countless earth-dwellers.   This morning I awakened to a wonderful impulse straining into my consciousness.
The impulse was to spend the day in the state ofEXPANSION except, of course, for the moments when I was directly engaged in a specific activity.

 First, let me give you a little background on this concept of expansion

Shortly before Christmas I was involved in a car accident and, after the physical healing was well underway, my body began to experience multiple episodes of post-traumatic stress. 
These proved to be a huge challenge and I had to learn how to embrace and work with these experiences so that my body could RELEASE the trauma it was carrying.

I did this work by  practicing sitting quietly and observing my body
as the physical symptoms moved through it...observing them objectively, with no judgment...tracking their movement and how they changed their expression over time.  
This I was very willing to do and, after practicing this for awhile,  I found that when the symptoms finally abated, i naturally moved into a state of expansion (openness, airiness, weightlessness, pure peace and harmony).  
This state felt wonderful that sometimes I didn't want to leave it.

As time went on, I found myself often choosing to engage this process leading me to expansion whenever I became physically or emotionally distressed. 
But this morning things were different.  
I felt a very strong impulse and yearning to engage in EXPANSION FOR ITS OWN SAKE (and not because of any problem I was experiencing).  And I wanted to enter into this state immediately.

It was soon after the recognition of this feeling that I discovered how the Divine Matrix was working to bring me to this place of peace.

And here we get into more back story.

Blogger statistics which are available to individual writers reveal the location of countries which are reading their blog.  I already knew from my statistics that people in ninety-four countries had read my blog but it had been a long, long time since a new country had shown up on that list. 

This morning when I went to check the stats I saw that a new country was reading me right at that moment and it was one I had never heard of before.

It was the Maldives
, a group of about 1,200 islands, separated into a series of coral atolls, located just north of the Equator in the Indian Ocean. (Only 200 of these islands are inhabited.)

And here is the astounding thing about the Maldives showing up in my blog statistics. 
As I researched this country I  learned that many of the the tropical atolls and islands In the Maldives are simply gorgeous, with swaying palms, white sandy beaches and deep-blue lagoons.

Now, if I had to come up with a physical, earth-bound description of what EXPANSION might look like, I would say the Maldives are it.

Here is the exciting discovery I made:  
I felt the peacefulness of the Maldives (where someone was reading my blog) coming into me through my waking impulse to enter into expansion.

What a fantastic connection...and how wondrously beautiful...the Divine Matrix showing us yet again that we are ONE... all of us living facets of the same experience...all of us coexisting in a lovely harmony of the heart...separated by distance but ministering to each other and sharing our journey by reaching out and through time and space, expressing the Oneness of Everyman.

   Marie Helena

image from


Today, me to recover my awareness so that I can see you in everything I perceive with my eyes, with my ears, with all my senses.  Let me perceive with eyes of love so that I find you wherever I go and see you in everything you create.  Help me to see you in every cell of my body, in every emotion of my mind, in every person I meet. 
                                                                                          Don Miguel Ruiz

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