Tuesday, July 6, 2021

What Love Can Do

I have two beautiful, brilliant daughters who are making their way in the world leaving love and light wherever they go.  ♥️♥️

It is so wonderful to see their interactions with others and to witness their incredible soul journeys.  They embrace their emotions including the uncomfortable ones as welcome messengers.  They authentically speak their truth.  And they are always seeking to become the next best version of themselves.

The three of us are alike in so many ways.  But we are different, too.  We have chosen different ways of being in the world, of demonstrating our love.  And, of course, we have different ways of processing information and of responding to it.
This is all communicated through our varying personalities and the effect of the experiences which have seasoned our lives.

But even given all of these circumstances it is interesting to note that the true beauty of our relationship can be found in something even more profound:

We HONOR the feelings of each other.

We not only celebrate the ways our paths come together, we honor the places they diverge.  We are so very curious to understand each other’s adventures and experiences even if they differ from our preferences and choices.  We reverence the investment each of us has made in life and, when we feel drawn to their discoveries, we consciously tap into the learning and wisdom they have  acquired.

Love and honoring have prompted this way of relating to each other.
And it is a beautiful residence in which to reside.

What if everyone in our world could find their way to honoring and learning from each other!  What if we understood that we are ALL
traversing the universe on an  important mission in many different ways and that each way has something to contribute to the collective consciousness.  The wisdom acquired would be epic.  And we could actually enjoy sharing the planet instead of trying to amass our own individual kingdoms.

Is it really that simple? 

                  Marie Helena 

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