Sunday, September 4, 2022

Playful Pizazz

Although we are separated geographically by many miles (Michigan, California, Nebraska, Georgia, and Florida), the girls in our family stay in close touch through texting, zoom, photos and phone calls.  For even just this reason alone, I so appreciate technology.

Sometimes we send pictures of a beautiful flower we saw, a video of our dogs jumping hurdles in competition, happy moments at wine tasting establishments or even our cuisine adventures in the kitchen or at the dining room table.

I love feeling the compassion and caring and excitement of the girls and also really appreciate the sharing of ideas we have picked up along the way as we go through our daily lives.

Here are three very interesting concepts that recently found their way into our connection. The first is from my sister and it is really very practical advice. I call it the stubbed toe fix.  

My sister recently learned somewhere that the LAST time we touch something we leave an impression that remains with us…Remembered by the body.

This is how her scenario played out.

She had stubbed her toe on some furniture (and you know how much FUN that is and how long the fun lasts).  Remembering what she had heard, she sat down and gently massaged her toe for a while.  It felt soothing to her but what really made her happy was discovering that the toe “remembered” the tender loving care the last time it was touched and stayed there going forward in that beautiful place of vibration.

The second example comes from my experience. Recently, I have been  learning about how to use neural plasticity to reshape the way difficult thoughts enter our minds.

Here is how I learned it works. When we find ourselves thinking or even obsessing about some difficulty, we make a point of finding something positive about that subject before we leave it. Over time and devoted practice, our minds learn to go first to the positive reflection we ascribed to the subject whenever we happen to return to that frustrating thought.

I have been investing in this process by always trying to wave goodbye to a difficult subject by celebrating something that is life enhancing about it.  I feel better when I do it. Exiting that stage feels like I’m taking a well earned bow.

The third engaging idea is so much fun. This one comes from my sister-in-law. She read it in a book written by a doctor she knows.  He said we all have these little voices chattering away and sometimes their messages are not helpful to us or in our best interest so he suggests we give them names when we recognize them and make them behave.

“That’s enough, Susie.  You need a nap.”

“Seriously, George?”

“Been there, heard that, Delores.”

I think the point is to have fun and be playful while you recognize old energies trying to get onto the field of your psyche.  It seems easier to make a shift In your thinking if you are having fun doing it.

And all of the three concepts I am describing here ARE a positive fix…




Leave it to the girls to find the silver lining among the coffee cups and busy schedules of their day.

I wonder if their mothers taught them to do that…

                                      Marie Helena 

image from pinterest 

image from pinterest

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