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Saturday, February 25, 2017

I Hear Your Heart

Our ears can hear the words that a person speaks and also the inflection and nuance present in those words... but there is something even more important for us to listen to...and that something is
This very special treasure is something we come to know over time and through experience and sometimes it is something we can sense about someone. 
We are able to witness and perceive the glory of a person's heart when he is centered...peaceful...in his power.

But this is not always what is happening.

Sometimes the challenges and trials of earth school feel so great for someone that he reacts from his stress, fatigue or frustration and sometimes from his unhealed pain. 
And his reaction in this moment could easily feel as if it is directed at you.

The message is really for his PERSONAL EMOTIONAL SPACE where he is attempting to navigate his reaction to a  painful trigger.  The words he has blurted out are his first attempt to express his distress. The release has not yet taken the path of Higher Self and spiritual evolution.  

It is stuck on the first rung of (very human) expression.  And it may seem aimed at the closest available object and, in this case,  that object may be you.

This moment is such a blessed and holy opportunity to offer love and support to the person who is confronting an old trigger or pain or who is worn down by the stress he is experiencing in his life.  
We can do so much good at this moment by NOT listening to the words of release that appear to stumble out in our direction but by LISTENING INSTEAD TO THE PERSON'S HEART which we have already come to sense and know. 

As evidenced in his voice, inflection and words, the openness of his heart  has been temporarily blocked by the emotion of hurt or pain but we can choose love to help us access it while he undergoes what is essentially the first stages of self-confrontation.  And  by choosing love we help set the stage for the work he has to do with the issue that has come up for his awareness, acceptance and release.

By affirming that WE KNOW what resides in his heart, we help him access that awareness himself...a step he must take to deal with the issue.

This is a unique opportunity waiting to be recognized.

What a beautiful gift we can give to this individual...remembrance and awareness of his  
"Best Self" communicated to him with gentleness and caring...and in the moment when he most needs to feel that LOVE!

                                                                    Marie Helena
image from thevectorart.com

Saturday, February 18, 2017

In the Mist

Life is so full of meaning and purpose, so full of beauty - beneath its covering - that you will find earth but cloaks your heaven.

Fra Giovanni Giocondo*
to his friend, Countess Allagia Aldobrandeschi
Christmas Eve, 1513

Our sojourn on earth is a Masterpiece of Masquerade!  What looks and feels like art and artistry and, sometimes, dissonance and distress is a masterful disguise and, as Fra Giovanni Giocondo writes, beneath the canopy, the layers of confusion, lies a rich tapestry of messages for the soul.  

The words and actions of others and how they relate to us signal a manifestation of the life choices we are living.  If we find ourselves surrounded by persons of love and warmth and generosity, they are mirroring us to ourselves.  And, if there is something we are doing that does not serve the needs of our soul, we will soon feel it in the actions and behavior of others around us.

We are so POWERFUL that we can create a reflection of ourselves in the persons who populate our lives and, then, by Divine agreement, forget the role they are playing.  That is what makes this experience so provocative, so mysterious, so exciting. There are so many layers to it and we must override the human impulse to take things at face value and look instead at how our energy has redirected and transformed itself.

Life is an exquisite arabesque awaiting our awareness and recognition, ready to gift us with wisdom and insight regarding our decisions and actions when we are ready to receive them.  If, instead, of embracing the cleverly disguised clues of self-reflection,  we choose to live lives of judgment and reaction, we are giving away our power to grow and evolve into the next, greatest version of ourselves.

Unlocking the mystery of remembering Who We Really Are and divesting ourselves of our earth-influenced concerns and trepidations is the glorious experiment we have all undertaken.  Let us all, then, be aware of the many celestial clues guiding us on this wondrous journey!


                                                                                 Marie Helena

image from pinterest

*Born in Verona, Giocondo became a priest, a scholar, an architect and a teacher. In 1496, Giocondo was invited to France by the King and made a royal architect.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Codependency, the White Horse Syndrome and True Love

  Let's face it.  Most of us have some degree of codependency (we are mega-affected by the feelings of people around us, and, especially, by their feelings toward us).  

If we bring up an idea or express an emotion that does not sit well with someone and that person seems unsettled or disapproving, we are NOT OK.  Our state of well-being DEPENDS on what someone else thinks about us and our actions.  This state of affairs can produce in us a feeling of disappointment, of sadness and, most importantly, of powerlessness.  

And the fact is we have unknowingly GIVEN our power away. 

We do this by placing every person in our lives on a white horse...in our imagination
, that is (and we all know how powerful our imaginations can be).  Everyone knows what people on white horses do...they are the heroes who say and do all the "right" things.  They are busy prancing around on their masterful white steeds bringing happiness and peace to everyone around them.

That's in our version of a "perfect world".
  But what happens if the figure on the white horse does or says something that is not what we would like to hear...what we think will make us feel better about ourselves?


Disappointment.  That's what happens.   All because we EXPECTED white horse behavior.


We expected it because that's what white horse riders do...BUT we have given this assignment to others WITHOUT their knowledge or consent.  And we have assigned this task to others because we have been wounded and want and need to heal our pain.  We have experienced some dysfunction in our lives such as failing to learn to trust ourselves for the answers we seek.  We have missed the all important message that WE have the capacity to heal ourselves, that WE possess that power.  And because we have not developed that belief in ourselves, we look OUTSIDE of ourselves and expect others to heal our hurts. 

We are making a misdiagnosis here and it is something we agreed to do long ago on a soul level so that we can travel the path of discovery and find our way back to the source of our authentic power.  We may not yet believe this fact but that doesn't mean it isn't so.


The answer to the conundrum of the white horse syndrome lies in true love In the state of true love, we accept others unconditionally.  Attaining this, of course, involves a good deal of experience and learning but when we are ready and able to aspire and eventually exist in this state, we no longer expect everyone around us to take care of us by soothing us with gentle, approving, affirming statements.  We see clearly that we are all foot soldiers, embarked on our own adventures and we love all others unconditionally, regardless of their behavior toward us. 


And, when we give this same beautiful, unconditional caring also to ourselves, WE no longer expect to be perfectly happy, satisfied and affirmed at all times.  We accept OUR humanity, including our missteps and misperceptions and the consequences of these actions.  As fellow foot soldiers, alongside our compatriots, we know that we, too, journey through the adventure of discovering where our true power lies...in our own self-approval.  When we have done something we approve of, we do not need anyone else to affirm us.  Deep within our hearts, WE affirm ourselves.  And when we look back at something we have done that has not worked well for us, we OWN that "adventure" and learn from it as a part of everyman's (and, in this case, our) journey.


Let us all consider adjusting our range of view from holding an expectation about our white horse saviors and, instead, moving our loving gaze to ourselves and our fellow journeymen on foot who are all in the business of recognizing and enjoying their authentic power and, therefore, their ascendancy to their true Spirit selves.


                                             Marie Helena

  image from  pinterest

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Setting the Angel Free

When you express what you really are in life, only beauty can come out of you, only joy and respect and happiness.
                               don Miguel Ruiz

We have all experienced very special moments in our lives when the things we say and do are beautiful, inspired, affirming and encouraging to others.  Everything flows unerringly from our intuition… our sense of knowing...about what is important in life.  These are sacred shimmerings of grace when we affect others in a profound way with our love, caring and compassion.

THIS is Who We Truly Are.

But there are also moments when we say and do things that are not filled with love and generosity, when our pride or ego or fear orchestrates our thoughts, words and actions and negative emotions spill out of us like emotionally orphaned children who have not been loved and shown how wonderful they are.

And, like those orphaned children, in this space we do not reside fully in the safe and powerful place of knowing our true worth.  And so we are left with a broken image which we try to repair at times by pointing out to others what is wrong with them. thereby attempting to prove to ourselves that we are right.

We feel lost in the illusion that we are not OK.

But this behavior of ours which naturally produces discomfort and unrest is ONLY indicative of the trappings of earth school. 
This is not who we are.  It proceeds from the role of limitation which we willingly embraced in  this dimension in order to learn how to transcend it, expanding the spiritual evolution of ourselves and all earth dwellers.

We have the ability to go forth, learn to witness and reflect upon our choices and actions and change what does not bring us peace and soul satisfaction. 

We can learn to listen to our hearts for guidance and direction regarding our choice of how to live. 

We can turn away from our egoic efforts to prevail, our attempts to prove our worthiness and recognize, instead, that we are all journeying together, learning to find what makes us truly happy. 

And it is in that transcension, that stunning return to our spiritual heritage...when all of our actions are sourced in LOVE...that only beauty and joy and respect and happiness flow through us.

This is the glory of Who We Truly Are, the touchstone of the transcendent return to our spiritual field of dreams.

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free –

                                                                                Marie Helena

image from pinterest.com

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Island Metaphor

Imagine you have been selected to appear on the newest reality show which will be taking place on an amazing island where everything you might possibly need has already been provided.  No matter what you decide to do...design something, construct something, invent something…ALL resources are available.  But, and here is the sticking point, they are hidden within the topography of the island.  They are most certainly there, but they are not easy to see.  And they emerge into your view only when you are truly ready for them and not a moment before.

The challenge then becomes how does one get ready to receive these resources?  And this cannot be done through manipulation, force or trickery. Only authentic responses ensure their accessibility.

Welcome to the reality show of your life!  And it is simultaneously amazing and magical while confusing and challenging, too.

And this is because we perceive that we live in linear time but, in fact, there is only the NOW.  The past and the future are only an illusion but we are so convinced of them that we can only recognize things within the context of logical progression.  And so we fail to see that the opportunities… the resources… are ALWAYS available but, because of our programming, they are hidden in plain sight.

Wondrously, it appears the Divine Universe is designed to accompany us on our journey and offer us support precisely at the moment we are ready to receive it.

        Isn't it amazing how so many of the things we need arrive
              at just the opportune moment.
       Almost like magic or a miracle. 
       But it can't be a miracle if it is already there. 
       It just must be something in us has let us see what we need.

                                               Paradigm Shift

In the reality show of our life we move through a series of challenges designed by our soul to learn lessons and help us develop character traits. If we authentically embrace whatever is being presented to us and offer no resistance, we are "ready" and the Universe  makes accessible to us whatever ideas or resources are necessary to navigate our path.

What so often appears to be a coincidence or good fortune that has just occurred, in reality, has been residing in the eternal NOW, awaiting our awareness and receptivity.

If, indeed, everything we ever need to grow and evolve is available to us whenever we are ready to "see" it, could we possibly live in a more loving and compassionate Universe?  Cerebral, provocative, emotionally rich and intelligent.  Profound in conception.   Home.

                                                                                              Marie Helena

image from pinterest.com
Caribbean islands and island life

Friday, February 3, 2017

My Sibs

I have this brother.  My little brother. Over six feet tall.  Smart as a whip.  During our growing up years, he tried to convert the family to Adelle Davis' nutritional philosophy before it was even in vogue. 

He was definitely born in the wrong century.  Likes building furniture with his own hands.

And, oh, how he loves water.  He always manages to land someplace where there is plenty of it… Michigan, Florida, Oregon, California.  He was an underwater diver and built his own underwater housing for his camera.  As a young teenager.

My brother has my dad's personality.  A little reserved but when he has something to say, it's definitely worth listening to.  Often very dry.  Very funny.

Then there's my sister.  Now there's an angel for you.  Once we had a dressmaker design a pair of wings for her. She still has them...in a closet or under her bed, I think. 

She is always finding ways to surprise and delight us.  And herself, too.  She travels the world...been to Italy, Greece, Ireland, Egypt, the Galápagos Islands, the Mayan Ruins.  I have actually lost track of her adventures but I am pretty sure she's planning to go to Iceland this October and she's just returned from visiting Hogwart's Castle at the Harry Potter Theme Park.  Her life mantra is "Who's in Charge?" inspiring the rest of the troops to seize the day!

That wry brother of ours likes to make irreverent comments to my sister and me from time to time.  Here's one of my favorites…

"You two have no taste...you like everyone."

The really funny thing about this comment is that he turned around and married someone just like us.  I mean...how cool is that!

Though the three of us live across the continent from each other, the miles do not separate us.  When one of us needs something, we are All In.  We share our everyday adventures and challenges and pass on whatever worldly wisdom we have managed to acquire.

My mom and dad must have done something very right for us to feel...and stay...so connected.
Thank you, my darling  bro and sis.  I've got your back, too.

                                                                                           Marie Helena

image from pinterest.com
otters holding hands