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Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Rainbow Connection

InMeteorology Today author Donald Ahrens describes a rainbow as "one of the most spectacular light shows observed on earth".

Descartes called the rainbow an interaction between water and light.

Here is a spiritual take on a physical phenomenon in which we look to the earth for a metaphor of the work of our Higher Self.

In Co-Dependency it is very challenging to keep ourselves separate from the emotional states of those around us.

We very easily take on their sadness, irritation, displeasure and let them affect the state of our emotions. (On the positive side, we can also be wonderfully affected by their happiness and joy.)

But the real issue is how to keep ourselves separate and not be enmeshed with another’s issues. 

Our creativity and imagination can help us here.

When we awake…and start moving through our day…we can imagine ourselves surrounded by a colorful energy which best describes how we are feeling…for example, yellow for sunshine and lightness, blue for deep emotions, red for upset and anger.

We can take note of the color (emotional state) we recognize and decide from there what we would like to do next.

Perhaps we need to give ourselves a boatload of compassion because we are going through a difficult time. Perhaps we want to do something calming to help us get perspective. Perhaps we need to have a good cry or journal some thoughts that are distressing us.

Next, we use the same process on others when they arrive on our radar.  

We take note of the color of energy we perceive them to be projecting and decide accordingly how we would like to proceed.

If we first acknowledge their state to ourselves, we will naturally be supportive even if we perhaps at that moment lack the energy to interact with them and ask what we can do to be of assistance, if needed.

Just the 
awareness of the other person's disposition will produce a sense of HONORING and it will also help us remember that each of us is a separate color…emotional state…PERSON.

Sometimes we may want to have a conscious interaction with another and this is where the rainbow colors can merge and produce even more subtle hues…the hues of connection and caring where two minds and two hearts (or more) look at our life journey together and, perhaps, create a wonderful, inspiring way to move forward.

The Rainbow Connection in this interpretation is the way we interface and express our love for one another.

But, the fact that each of us owns our own color (which can and will change as we change) reminds us that we are individuals with the responsibility of finding our own way through earth school and of bringing to and mixing our energy with others when we consciously choose to do so…not merely because their color got near us and blurreour own hue. 

The Rainbow is made up of separate, distinct colors each operating according to its own inner guidance.

When we are strongly aware of that guidance we can enter the Rainbow Connection Dance when we have rested and prepared ourselves and have 
consciously chosen to partake of this particular interaction.

As Descartes described, Rainbows are an intermingling of water and light.

Water carries our emotions and Light directs us how and when to engage with others.

                                   Marie Helena


Thursday, May 20, 2021


Now that the beautiful blush of spring is finding its way onto the universal earth campus, there will be a myriad of opportunities to indulge our awakening senses.  

Gazing at the beautiful blossoms gently emerging on the branches of welcoming trees.  Spying the sprightly, chattering birds returning to their home bases.  And lazily watching the cottony clouds roll by. Rolling in a soft, billowy fashion… Drifting… gently drifting...quietly finding their way.

Just contemplating the drifting clouds feels like a meditation to me.  And I wonder if it has to do with the very concept of drifting.  That word feels like ease to me.  Sprezzatura... the Italians might call it...effortless elegance.

Does the effortless elegance I perceive here manifest itself to me because the clouds have aligned with their nature and are simply...and profoundly... being who they are?  

What if we, like the clouds, were to align with OUR nature:  Divine beings playing on our verdant, lush planet of infinite possibility?

If we could recognize our magical playground, perhaps we would find it easier to embrace our self-designed challenges and gently direct ourselves into a reframing of what feels like difficult circumstances from our earth school view.  

Perhaps then we could move on to envision and embrace the gentle changes, the shifts in behavior, which could incrementally bring us into alignment with our Higher Selves.  In the most loving, harmonious way. DRIFTING  back into the beautiful beings we truly are. 

                                             Marie Helena

image from pinterest 


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Let It Begin With Me

 A truly peaceful mind is very sensitive, 
    very aware.

                Tenzin Gyatso

Have you ever noticed that some individuals are especially conscious of the beauty they see around them?  To be in their presence is to experience the continual expression of JOY and WONDER.  They are curious, mindful souls, awake to the innocent and guileless nobility of nature...bountiful, brilliant, fragrant blossoms, the astoundingly intricate navigation of the hummingbird, the metaphor of majestic thunderheads presaging a clearing of deep emotions, the merriment and mirth of the monarch butterfly dancing its delight with the celestial scenery.  Gifts of the universe presenting us with a playground of unparalleled splendor!

And it is not only nature that sings to these perceptive creatures.  They easily discern every gesture of love and good will of being expressed to and around them.  And, having recognized these gifts-of-the-heart, they cannot help but laud their elegance and grace and the engagement of the souls which are sourcing them.

Conversely, when these glorious individuals encounter dissonance and distress, they immediately open their hearts, ministering to the unhealed pain that is being manifested.  They are patient and receptive while the troubling emotions are expressed, releasing their iron grip upon the chambers of the heart.

These sages see beauty in and through everyone's journey, however it is being expressed.

This is the gift of Peace… a recognition that all is right with the world and with everyone in it. A recognition that each of us is following a path of our own choosing, a journey we have willingly embarked upon for the purpose of gaining experience, insight and wisdom through life in this glorious, precarious dimension.

When we fully comprehend the nature of our earth school sojourn, every action and reaction we feel or witness, every emotion we or others express, every event we experience becomes a thing of beauty… The story of the odyssey of our souls.

Though it is often difficult to ascertain the significance of what is unfolding in, around and through our lives, there is concord and serenity in the recognition that each of us has the opportunity to create experiences that enhance our wisdom.  And each of us can choose how we want to respond to our own "adventures".

The beautiful gift of Peace comes from awareness and understanding of the nature of our journey.  Once we fully recognize this fascinating opportunity we have chosen to experience, we cannot help but acknowledge with great sensitivity and appreciation the evidence of every grace-filled moment.

How lovely to imagine a world of "peace"ful earth dwellers!

                                     Marie Helena                                                                                                                                                

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.*


 *song by Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller
  image from mymospot.com

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Divine Feminine Energy

As we celebrate the beautiful occasion of  Mother's Day, my thoughts are drawn to the power and beauty and significance of Love as it is expressed in Divine feminine energy.  This beautiful Grace which streams so elegantly from the hearts of women.  Such an exquisite blessing.  It seems to be their birthright . . . their gift to the world.

Somehow, women intuitively know that when someone is experiencing pain, in that moment there is nothing more powerful, more healing than for that person to feel understood To have someone mirror back to them an understanding of the intensity of their pain or distress and how it is affecting them.

This essential longing to be understood is a vital part of the human condition.  Without this loving kindness it is difficult for an individual to move forward into an acknowledgment of what is transpiring.  And, without that acknowledgment, that acceptance, it is impossible to move through the experience to the other side. . . . to the peace that comes through Surrender.

The feminine heart holds the key to the unfolding of this process.  We are all so in need of this exquisite form of compassion.  When we receive it, we find the energy to lead ourselves through the dark night of the soul.  This precious feminine offering is the antidote to loneliness, to abandonment.  It promotes caring, a sense of safety, connection.

Because our world is changing and evolving it is wonderful to note that feminine energy is now being expressed by males as well. And, in return, masculine energy is leading by example the demonstration of the importance and value of steadfastness and devotion.

How wonderful that we an all minister to each other, sharing the precious and pleasing endowments of our earthly lives!

                                           Marie Helena

image on Pinterest
Joyce Hicks watercolor

Saturday, May 1, 2021


If you can keep yourself sensitive and fragile, intuitive and connected...if you can live in this beautiful state of GIFT, the Universe will no longer need to reharmonize your life.

Helena Sanches da Silva

Although our life in earth school is filled with countless challenges and "adventures" that test our courage and tenacity. we are meant to ultimately find our way to the profound simplicity of CONNECTION.

CONNECTION with our hearts that brings us a truly authentic life in which we honor ourselves and bravely speak our truth...  

CONNECTION witthe hearts of others, even though they may be blocking these messages because of unresolved hurt and pain...

CONNECTION with the mystery and messages of nature, her verdant offerings and her noble and resplendent creatures...

CONNECTION with the Divine Universe of LOVE which authors all things and creates for us whatever we can imagine and desire.
  When we succeed in aligning ourselves with this magnificent MOSAIC...when we know that EVERYTHING exists to help us become stronger, happier and more loving...life becomes for us

a continual unfolding of grace informing and guiding every moment of our lives.

                             Marie Helena

top image from Fantastic-Fractals.com.                                                                        

bird image from