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Saturday, May 1, 2021


If you can keep yourself sensitive and fragile, intuitive and connected...if you can live in this beautiful state of GIFT, the Universe will no longer need to reharmonize your life.

Helena Sanches da Silva

Although our life in earth school is filled with countless challenges and "adventures" that test our courage and tenacity. we are meant to ultimately find our way to the profound simplicity of CONNECTION.

CONNECTION with our hearts that brings us a truly authentic life in which we honor ourselves and bravely speak our truth...  

CONNECTION witthe hearts of others, even though they may be blocking these messages because of unresolved hurt and pain...

CONNECTION with the mystery and messages of nature, her verdant offerings and her noble and resplendent creatures...

CONNECTION with the Divine Universe of LOVE which authors all things and creates for us whatever we can imagine and desire.
  When we succeed in aligning ourselves with this magnificent MOSAIC...when we know that EVERYTHING exists to help us become stronger, happier and more loving...life becomes for us

a continual unfolding of grace informing and guiding every moment of our lives.

                             Marie Helena

top image from Fantastic-Fractals.com.                                                                        

bird image from 

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