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Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Amusement Park

By the time we leave our childhood behind and get on with issues of the "adult" world most of us have managed a trip or two to the glorious island of escape called
The Amusement Park. 

There we stuffed our faces with cotton candy while we waited in line to take our seats on VERY scary and unpredictable rides.  And why did we do this?  Because it was FUN! We screamed our hearts out and then turned around and doubled back for more.

Maybe we loved these "wild rides" so much because there is something in our makeup that loves the unknown... mercurial adventures, precarious positions, challenging perspectives.

Which brings me in a roundabout way to an interesting occurrence I had just this week. 

While sitting in morning meditation a few days ago I experienced a very unusual stream of imagery.  I often have images popping up during meditation and, in fact, they routinely do,  but this meditation scenario was the most delightful I have ever encountered.

Several Disney characters were whirling inside a powerful vortex, riding it downward at a very fast speed having the time of their life and shouting "Whee!".  

When they reached the bottom (as they all invariably did), they were bounced back up to the top and were each affectionately catapulted into a bed floating in space.  They were tucked into warm covers and were soothed, comforted and rewarded from their madcap adventure by having a nice, long rest.

The all encompassing feeling of this fantasy was one of fun and delight.  The Disney characters were All IN.  They had no question of their safety...of the road they were traveling or of the loving embrace (the comfortable, billowy beds) awaiting them at its completion.  The TRUST was implicit, palpable.  Its vibration provided a powerhouse of energy for this adorable and motley crew.

So, here's the thing.                                     

The vortex in my meditation feels like earth school.  We've all experienced the WILD rides of life when it took us some time to
B r e a t he, take it all in,  restore our equilibrium, gain perspective and choose our response, hopefully learning from the lessons being presented to us.

The Disney characters bouncing back up to the top and landing in a comfortable bed feels like a message that we are always looked after and deeply appreciated for our sojourn on this planet.

And the fact that the characters were all having such an exciting, fun time feels like guidance on how to look at earth school as an exercise in curiosity and wonderment because it's all an illusion.  Real as it may seem, earth school is the vortex playground for trying on various personas and life situations to see what we can make of them...and learn from them, all the while sending the vibrations of our new wisdom out for everyone to energetically tap into.

When WE (our Spirit Selves) watch the glorious adventures we have designed for ourselves as earth dwellers, the story of our lives becomes truly enchanting!

roller coaster image from clipartist.info
Disney characters image from childcoloringpages.net
pillow image from wikihow.com

originally published November 15, 2013

1 comment:

  1. I just dig the way you write and the thought process you use to make a point. I look for several things to inspire me when it comes to my art work. Good music and writing is what really gets my mind heading in the right direction. I often think of past child hood experiences, old events of the past that have had effected and changed our world, even such things as the "what ifs?" and the "what would have been"
    As an artist I think of several things all at the same time as my mind races to find the ends to reason, which never seem to come. However reading your posts often bring a calming to the chaotic quagmire of madness and gives me the ability to restart my mindless meandering of thought to a more focused level of calm from the music that may be at play during my journey to a more calming thought.
    Hard to believe what a few short paragraphs can do for an otherwise complicated mind. I find it a mystery as to why I have not seen others here. Perhaps they may not understand or even frightened of their own intelligence and/or imagination, hmmmm how could that be? A question for the Madhatter possibly.......
