Whenever we are experiencing fear or anxiety…frustration or anger…and someone else is involved in the situation, we are often tempted to express our distress by accusing that someone else of causing the problem.
An array of disturbing emotions washes over us…and, if we don’t consciously process what is happening…we can easily become the self-involved, suffering victim.
It is so easy to feel STUCK in this turbulence…helpless…and, consequently, we often choose to REACT instead of respond…letting loose a litany of accusations about someone else's behavior.
When these moments strike, a conscious intention to ask one simple question about how best to proceed can save us from behavior we will later regret.
And that question is…What would love do?
If we aspire to having love inform and define all of the actions of our lives…then love is what we need to lead us through this storm.
Love, if summoned consciously, would inspire us to give ourselves understanding and compassion (for we are obviously experiencing some unhealed hurt which has been triggered and wants some attention).
Love would also inspire us to give the other individual involved understanding and compassion (for, like us, he, too, has been triggered and his pain has been activated).
I believe that under the best of circumstances...when we are fully conscious and present and in good energy, we will act with this compassion and understanding.
If we are not able to do this, it is because stress or exhaustion or some old, unhealed pain has appeared in our lives.
Acknowledging this and then taking steps to restore ourselves (and that is restoration for ALL parties concerned) to a place of beautiful energy and consciousness will empower us to come together at that point and navigate the distressful waters with sensitivity for everyone's situation and circumstance.
Consciously asking ourselves this question will help make this happen:
What would love do?
The answer to everything.