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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ichabod's Night Life

It was a windy night in Galway, Ireland. I was visiting my daughter Rachel who is on sabbatical there and I was sleeping in her guest bedroom. Rachel’s apartment house is located on a peninsula on Galway Bay. It sits literally in the middle of the harbor and, if you look outside of her window, you can see sailboats of all sizes lined up and moored to the docks.

On this particular evening I was awakened by the sound of someone apparently working on a boat in the middle of the night. There was a persistent clanging, actually two different clangings…and it felt like one was agitating the other. My daughter had told me earlier that she slept with earplugs because of the harbor noises, but I didn’t feel a little background sound would make a difference to me. I was wrong.

That night I tossed restlessly for hours, growing a strong frustration that vibrated every time I heard another sound. I could hardly believe that someone had decided to work on his boat at this hour. The logic was beyond me. I went to the window of the bedroom and parted the curtains. The boats were sitting in the water, magically illuminated by the mooring lights. The scene was breathtakingly beautiful…and there was no one to be seen working in the area. Confused, I looked further and discovered that the wind was willfully whipping the branches of a very tall tree against the night sky.

So, I thought…it’s the wind I have to deal with and decided I would try to use my consciousness to slow it down. (I had read on a couple of occasions that it is possible to move a cloud so I thought I would try changing the wind speed.) I was finally able to slow it down enough so that I could get some sleep but decided I needed a better plan as I am not yet practiced in the art of cloud/wind transport.

We checked the anticipated wind speed for the next night and, sure enough, a very windy evening was in the offing. I decided to see what resources I could call up because I did not want to go the ear plugs route.

Remembering a very important lesson I had learned from a book called Courageous Dreaming by Alberto Villoldo I decided that I had to change my story about the clanging. The first night it had represented a series of constant intrusions into my night of peaceful sleep. Now I decided to call up my imagination and create a new story. In this scenario the clanging actually was coming from a phantom sailor called Ichabod. I was asleep on the lower deck of a boat with several sailors. Every night the phantom Ichabod made an appearance on the top deck and proceeded to adjust the masts and moorings, clanging away as he worked. Everyone on the boat knew Ichabod and held a great affection for him. Ichabod’s appearance each evening signaled that all was right with the world…and with the clanging reminder of his presence, everyone slept soundly. Including me.

The next morning I ecstatically celebrated the beautiful way I had been able to “dream” myself into a peaceful place.

Telling myself a new story has become for me a new way to deal with the challenges that present themselves in my life. And it’s not always easy. And sometimes I forget to do it. But, oh, when I can remember this lesson and make it happen, I am overjoyed with the knowledge that I can change the way I perceive my reality. I was over the moon about Ichabod. Rachel, too. She has even adopted him as a guest in her harbor home.

In creating this story I followed Villoldo’s advice to create my story (or dream) by flying to the level of eagle which is spiritually based. I framed the sound as a peaceful resonance and that is what it became.

If you have a story in your life that is bringing you suffering, I invite and encourage you to call on your power to paint a picture that will soothe and comfort you, delighting your soul and bringing you the peace of Ichabod.

                                      Marie Helena

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Don't Push the River

EACH RIVER HAS ITS OWN BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY.. moving, flowing, unfolding in its own sacred space and time. 

It may follow a straight, focused path moving forward with determination. 

It may carefully navigate earth fragments...twigs, rocks, trees, boulders. 

It may move forward in near silence, absorbing  with deep appreciation every living thing it encounters.

All  rivers have a rhythm...a wisdom that needs to be honored.  They represent the onward flow of Life itself which animates our spirit.

Listening to our river and RESPECTING its forward movement (whatever that may be) is essential for us to progress through our earthly journey with joy and ease.


On the other hand, pushing "the river" produces tension and anxiety.  


If we are feeling anxious or upset...if we are frustrated by events or circumstances that trigger us...and we choose to pretend this is not what is happening...we are pushing "the river".   

"The river" inside us wants to express itself with the freedom and grace of authenticity.  

If we deny that authenticity, we fight the natural unfolding which is so important to our health and well-being.

Like the river, we are designed to be open, transparent, expressive. 


When we deny "What Is" clearly going on because of fear or discomfort...because of limiting beliefs or unhealed hurts, we interrupt the beautiful rhythm and flow of our life. 

And when we try to force an action or reaction from someone  (or ourselves) instead of waiting for its natural expression (which comes in its own time), we create disharmony. 

 And, by so doing, we not only compromise the health and well-being of the body, we compromise our emotional and spiritual progress and we surely cause disturbance to our relationships.

"The rivers" of our life must be welcomed and honored.  If we respect their flow we will feel the beautiful ease of being our true, authentic selves and encouraging others to join us in this Divine unfolding.

And so I offer you this gentle reminder...

As you move through your day and navigate the "scenery" of your life, take a deep breath,  bless the moment, remind yourself of Life's innate wisdom and DON'T PUSH THE RIVER.

                  Marie Helena

image from ClipartHeaven.com

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Inchworms, Turtles and the Finishing Line

We all know about the tortoise who won the race. And the inchworm who edged his way to success.

Something in their “stories” gave them the persistence and tenacity to complete the tasks they set out to do.

Perhaps the tortoise and inchworm had an innate impulse to go the distance.

Perhaps they very wisely balanced their lives and conserved their energy so they could call upon their reserves of wellness and vitality when this was most needed.

And perhaps they were so fortunate as many of us are to have a very special inspiration figuring predominantly in our lives…the masculine energy that is holding so strongly the image of our success…despite all odds.

That kind of special faith and support is often personalized in our father or father figure or someone close who is inhabiting that role for us…sending us light and energy to help us stay the course…to dig deep inside us to find the reserves of strength we need.

Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid did that for Daniel-san. 

Miyagi always held a 
knowingness of the power and goodness of Daniel-san. He instilled a strong sense of honor in the young man and taught him that it is the way he conducts himself that determines whether he has successfully run (and completed) the race.

On the occasion of Father’s Day this June 20 let us take a moment to thank all of our real life and symbolic fathers in appreciation for their precious gift of faith in our goodness and strength and in our ability to navigate life with courage and honor.

And a special shout out for the very masculine preference for lightness and humor in this very challenging work. As Mr. Miyagi tells Daniel-san,

Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything. 

                                                              Marie Helena

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Ride

DURING OUR EARTH JOURNEY we have the possibility of experiencing many different kinds of rides.  

There is the slow, meandering jaunt,..the steady-as-you-go excursion...the hustle and bustle we've-got-to-keep-moving expedition...and the roller coaster loop-to-loop that leaves us breathless and downright disoriented.

Yes, we have a wide variety of choices on how we wish to navigate life.

But there is a VERY SPECIAL OPTION that is so unique and so perfectly designed for our ultimate success, happiness and delight that it seems incomprehensible not to choose it as "THE" MODEof transportation for our earth journey.

There IS a ticket that is required for this ride...and that ticket is FAITH.  Faith that our life is unfolding in what I call "perfect time". And, there's more...Faith that it is also unfolding in the "perfect place" and in the "perfect way".

Can it possibly get better than that...Perfection!!!

Now let's get down to exactly what this means.  

In very basic terms it means that no matter what...NO MATTER WHAT is transpiring in our life...whether it is soft and smooth, topsy turvy, or difficult and very, very  challenging...whether we must summon up our patience and tenacity or find some hidden inner strength...

WHAT IS HAPPENING is the right path, the right combination of circumstances.  

It involves the absolutely right people who will help us learn our lessons...sometimes by example and positive inspiration and sometimes by motivating us to step up our game, rise to the occasion and let our Best, Highest Selves show up to deal with the challenges of the situation.

IF you truly have this faith, this trust that you are loved beyond measure...this experience we call Life on Earth can be One Essentially Smooth Ride.  

Yes, you may have to hang on to your hat through the twists and turns, but when the Divine Universe is providing the Guidance, there is no question 

that the ride is perfect for you...

for your evolution,

for your growth, 

for the opportunity to transcend the challenges of earth life and duality 


for the RECONNECTION with your beautiful Spirit Self who has long been your loving passenger with you on this journey and who now celebrates your remembrance and return to the SPECTACULAR PERFECTION of WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Bon Voyage! 

Relax into THE RIDE and Surrender to the most beautiful journey that is Your Life!

                             Marie Helena 

Alicia Florence on the Gondola
by Kythana

Sunday, June 9, 2024

What If?

Come along with me for a moment on a lovely sojourn into What If Land. Imagine yourself in the midst of heavenly moments that soothe and silken your soul. Hear and see and intuit the many love messages coming to you from EVERYWHERE.

What if…you could find in every person and in everything you encountered a message of love coming directly to you! What if…you believed that Love is the guiding principle of the universe and that it cannot be otherwise. What if…you only had to learn to lift the green leaves and ivy (metaphorically speaking) to find the heart of each flower! What a lovely and delightful occupation!

Perhaps the love message is the knowingness that you are truly being listened to. Perhaps it is the effort put into running errands for you. Perhaps the love is the time someone takes to read what you have written and respond to it... or the effort someone makes to prepare a meal for you that you simply adore…or take you shopping…or share coffee with you…or take your hand and simply hold it…or make you laugh at the silly moments in life...or give you a friendly response in the grocery store…or even bark at you in line because you looked like someone who could safely take in someone’s pain…or give you little child hugs that last forever…or try consistently to become a better friend to you or a better partner or parent or child…or tell you exactly how they feel (no matter what that is), giving you the gift of their authenticity…or use the words…I love you so much.

What if…we could learn to find that message of love in every moment. What if?

                                       Marie Helena

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Late Night Call and the Cat Face Pinata

June 2, 2013

Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY

 I received many beautiful gifts...including a scarf sent from Paris, books by Alan Watts, yellow roses.

I had an Italian dinner outside with my family observed overhead by a smiling, white and pink cat-faced piñata just waiting to reveal her treasures.

Yes, it was truly a lovely day.  "And" it also contained a very special spiritual gift...the role modeling of a solution to a challenging problem...a solution I have been in avid pursuit of for some time.

Here is the BACK STORY about this amazing gift.

I received a phone call the night before my birthday shortly before midnight...the cusp of my big day. 

It was an unexpected call (enhancing the drama) and it came from The Big Apple.  I would guess my subconscious was also involved in the planning of this moment because I had just posted a blog entitled "Happy Birthday to Me" and the caller, who had just awakened from a catnap, had set his alarm to give me his birthday greeting.

I was surprised and delighted by the call and proceeded to enjoy a lively, high vibrational (was this my first clue?), spirited conversation.  

After a little while, my friend suggested we do a three way phone call with a cohort of ours.  I agreed and thereafter, a conversation ensued ( I call it a comedy of errors in retrospect) in which my friend tried to explain to me how I could start the process and he could enter into it as a surprise

Except that I was never able to figure out what he was trying to tell me.

Round and round we went until my friend burst out laughing and said, "This is hilarious.  I am going to give up trying to control this and just let it happen."

I was astounded by the emotion he was expressing as he uttered the "C" word...CONTROL.  

This word has always signaled difficulty to me.   A problem I needed to deal with.  Work.  Hard work And, here he was laughing and calling the situation "hilarious" 


THIS was truly a NEW VIEW for me of the concept of control...

Trying to achieve "Control" can lead to a messy, confusing production 
that is (if you hold on to some perspective) funny...actually, hilarious

And this is what my friend saw in the moment and immediately released his attempt to make something happen.  He backed right off and let the Universe do its thing instead.

A wise choice.  This came very clear to me very fast because we immediately found ourselves right back into our beautiful conversational flow.

I found this experience...this significant conversation with my friend...to be a very powerful gift

Suddenly, I felt myself lightening up around the concept of control.  The messiness and sloppiness of "trying" to orchestrate something is now striking me as a comedy of wasted energy and the more quickly I am able to realize that fact, the faster I can direct my life back into its lovely flow.

These days I am waiting for passing MOON beams or beams of SUN light to move things along...however the glorious universe presents the unfolding.

A lot simpler.  A lot easier.  And a lot more fun.

Nice touch for an awesome Birthday.  Perhaps that's why the "cat" was smiling!

                                       Marie Helena

Friday, May 17, 2024

24/7 Bliss

There are times when we all reach that beautiful place of exquisite joy and bliss. Perhaps we are viewing a magnificent sunset, perhaps we have been moved by someone’s loving intention and behavior toward us, perhaps we are pursuing the work of our heart and time seems irrelevant and immaterial.

Regardless of what has produced this wonderful state, it is truly something we treasure. We would like to have more of it. We would like to fill our lives with it. And, according to some, we can.

It’s hard to wrap our brains around that thought. Life has lots of challenges and difficulties and we might wonder how can we feel bliss when we are experiencing these moments.

The answer apparently lies in our vibrational level and in our intention.

Things which operate at the same vibrational level are attracted to each other. Those that are not must rearrange themselves or leave.

If we begin the day in a wonderful, highly motivated, high energy state (translate: high vibration) and then have a debilitating physical experience or emotional upset we could choose to invite the pain or stress or frustration to join us in our higher vibration. If we can hold the vibration we were already experiencing, the physical ailment or upset must either raise its vibration (and, thereby, eliminate the pain or stress) or leave the premises since we have already staked and are now keeping our claim to this high vibrational note..ergo, lower vibrations (translate pain or upset) must find another home.

Everything depends on our intention. Do we want to maintain the higher state of joy and connection to all that is? Are we willing to make that a conscious intention? And, even more importantly, do we believe that we are spiritual beings occupying by our very nature this beautiful, high vibration…unless we choose to dip into the density of earth school to experience those lower states of being?

Bruce Lipton, leading edge scientist and author of The Biology of Belief, points out that our DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. And our DNA controls our life.

The choice is apparently in our hands. Do we want to send ourselves the positive message and belief that we, as spiritual beings, are capable of reaching and maintaining that glorious high vibration or do we want to send the message that we are subject to circumstances outside ourselves and, therefore, are victims when these difficulties occur?

It might be fun to practice holding our higher vibration when these challenges appear and perhaps discover delight in the knowingness that it is we who determine the direction and create the enchantment, joy and bliss of our day.

                                    Marie Helena

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Divine Feminine Energy

As we celebrate the beautiful occasion of  Mother's Day, my thoughts are drawn to the power and beauty and significance of Love as it is expressed in Divine feminine energy.  This beautiful Grace which streams so elegantly from the hearts of women.  Such an exquisite blessing.  It seems to be their birthright . . . their gift to the world.

Somehow, women intuitively know that when someone is experiencing pain, in that moment there is nothing more powerful, more healing than for that person to feel understood To have someone mirror back to them an understanding of the intensity of their pain or distress and how it is affecting them.

This essential longing to be understood is a vital part of the human condition.  Without this loving kindness it is difficult for an individual to move forward into an acknowledgment of what is transpiring.  And, without that acknowledgment, that acceptance, it is impossible to move through the experience to the other side. . . . to the peace that comes through Surrender.

The feminine heart holds the key to the unfolding of this process.  We are all so in need of this exquisite form of compassion.  When we receive it, we find the energy to lead ourselves through the dark night of the soul.  This precious feminine offering is the antidote to loneliness, to abandonment.  It promotes caring, a sense of safety, connection.

Because our world is changing and evolving it is wonderful to note that feminine energy is now being expressed by males as well. And, in return, masculine energy is leading by example the demonstration of the importance and value of steadfastness and devotion.

How wonderful that we an all minister to each other, sharing the precious and pleasing endowments of our earthly lives!

                                                      Marie Helena

image on Pinterest
Joyce Hicks watercolor

Friday, May 3, 2024

A Cheap Date

We all like to smile at the thought of having a beautiful experience on a shoestring. Some of us even consider the ability to enjoy this one of our finest qualities. Here is one of the best “cheap date” ideas I have ever heard of or experienced – GROUNDING.

I am a newbie at this one but I have just engaged in this adventure and totally love it. 

The fascinating thing is I was not consciously trying to do this.

I have been learning about it (and apparently soaking it up through entrainment) but I didn’t purposely go there. Apparently, I have been rewarded for the time and attention I have given to the concept for it just "Happened".
 And I recognized it later when I felt its effects.

So much in life feels fleeting.  We have a joyful experience and totally love the moment but then…it is gone. Of course, we always get more moments with the potential for more wonderfulness but just imagine if we could anchor or ground a moment which feels completely breathtaking.

And we can. By our awareness and invitation.

One of these moments for me was a leisurely stroll last evening (the Italians call it a passeggiata). 

I had a great yearning to connect with nature in the country. It had been raining lightly yesterday and the ground was damp with wetness, the grass with dew. The frogs were croaking their spring mating ritual. The earth was perfumed with clouds of 

The night was magical. I so loved it…and, without even being aware, I 
grounded it for myself.Another way of putting this, I think, is to say I moved it into my heart and gave it space there, sharing my residence of  love.  Even now that passeggiata holds me in its enchanting spell.

We have so many opportunities to ground our beautiful moments and, when we do, we feel satiatedsatisfied….in sync with the grace of the world.

To do this we need to be engaged in the present moment and moving with 
conscious intention.

This can occur throughout the day…even in the most simple of tasks – in the breaking of bread, in the sipping of wine, and especially in the pleasure of knowing you are loved.

Consider this divine experience of GROUNDING and consciously invest in your treasury of beautiful moments…truly one of the greatest gifts of our human experience.

                               Marie Helena 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

It's Raining Violets

Though April showers may come your way,
They bring the flowers that bloom in May.
So, if it's raining, have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain, you know, 

     it's rainingVIOLETS.

April Showers* 

The lyrics from the enchanting song April Showers are a beautiful commentary about a profound truth of life as expressed by don Miguel Ruiz:
Everything will change

In this case, of course, we see condensation evolving into rain.  But these lovely lyrics promise so much more than the principle of evolution.  They promise the joy of transformation and higher expression, positing that growth and change always equal a blossoming, a new gift, an endowment...a promise of something extraordinary to come.

the mantra for existence in this cutting-edge global venue we all share.

But it’s not always easy to embrace change.  Sometimes we find ourselves tethered to the past...profoundly sad about its loss.  And what happens if we do not yield to the energy of the universe?

We are meant to evolve.  We are meant to experience challenging, adventurous circumstances.  We are meant to use our creativity and tenacity and resilience to find our true north.  To embrace the unfolding of circumstances surrounding us...circumstances meant to catapult us forward in growth and evolution.  We are meant to become even greater versions of ourselves.

Resistance to this primary principle of operation produces pain and suffering.  Joyful acceptance ensures transformation.  Though change may feel bewildering and unsettling, it is how life proceeds.  Surrendering to What Is makes EXPANSION possible. 

This is the Great Experiment we have all agreed to and intrinsic to it is the promise that we are all creatures of love and are constantly moving in that direction.  As we find our way to a loving response to life, we more clearly see Who We Truly Are.

There Is Love and there is that which is on its way to Love.  We can all be found somewhere in the midst of this journey.

                                                                                                   Marie Helena

And where you see clouds upon the hills,
You soon will see crowds of daffodils.
So keep on looking for a blue bird 
And list'ning for his song...
Whenever April showers come along.

*Songwriters: Louis Silvers / B.G. Desylva
  April Showers lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group

image: Violets original watercolor painting 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Forgiveness or Understanding?

One of the strongest messages we grow up with and continue to hear throughout our lives from all sources of authority is the importance of forgiveness.

 Forgive yourself!  Forgive everyone!

But what if there is nothing to forgive?

What if everything everyone does is merely a forward or backward move or perhaps even a filibuster in the dance of their life, all depending on the stage of their evolution?

What if everything they do has NOTHING to do with us and everything to do with their journey?  A journey which is based on their experiences, their personal growth, their unresolved issues, their unhealed pain.  Given all of these variables, it is truly impossible for us to judge or evaluate the choices they are making.  But, for some strange reason, we seem to think we can interpret their actions and that is our ONLY point of reference...ourselves.

It's pretty easy to do this...we all do it most of the time...It's our 

habitual response but it causes SO MUCH TROUBLE!  We can end up feeling hurt or angry or sad and depressed and what they are doing is NOT ABOUT US!  We are the subject of the scenario because we happen to be in the picture at this time; we are the scenery and setting for the playing out of someone's latest life challenge.  What if we really GOT that and, therefore, NOTHING felt personal?


There would be nothing to forgive.  For ourselves or others.  We are merely the playing field where someone works out the latest step in his evolution with any accompanying banging and clatter and others do the same for us when we are engaged in one of our "adventures". 


I know it's pretty radical to expect everyone to see this...especially when our emotions are embroiled and our egos feel challenged.  But how wonderful it would be if we could navigate our lives from this trekking star:  Nothing to forgive.

We are ALL doing what we came here to do:  use the resources of earth school to finally get the Big Picture of our lives.

                                                           Marie Helena

image from wallpaperswide.com