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Monday, January 16, 2012

Your Surprise Party

By now you may have heard of the concept that EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN PERFECT TIME.  
This philosophy is built on the belief that all things are divinely orchestrated to achieve our highest good. 
It requires a faith and trust that everyone is being Divinely cared for and the powerful magic here is that we are all being cared for at the same time,,,in the same wonderful, loving way. 
Somehow all things work together to manifest  this immense global  / individual intention.  And we all play a part in this mesmerizing spiritual happening.  We are the instruments who help the celestial clock find the beautiful cadence perfectly attuned to everyone's unique circumstances.

And this is not the only way the heavenly magic works.  

Not just in PERFECT TIME but also in THE PERFECT WAY.  

But this "perfect" way may not be what we expect...not what we are hoping for...and not what we think we want.
This acclimation is not an easy thing to release.  Somewhere along the way we learn to draw conclusions about what certain actions mean.  We make very strong connections with their perceived significance and it takes a very strong influence for us to let go of our directory of personal interpretation.

But  The Divine Universe is infinitely patient about helping us see past our rigid and preconceived notions. 

The Divine Universe watches over us, observes us and assists with every dance of life that is going on.  From its vantage point  IT can see the beauty of every rhythm and every motion....the whirling, the skirting, the waltz, the march, the awesome parade, the rappers and rockers.  IT sees what we cannot.  IT holds the magnificence and beauty of ALL of the dances in ITS heart and IT presents thém to us individually in perfect time as surprises.  
We are continually being invited to an enchanting SURPRISE  PARTY which has gifts for us that are unexpected but that fit perfectly into The Divine Matrix which holds the astounding support needed by every one of us.  This Matrix helps us as we find our place on the dance floor and not only glide to our own music but become the fascinating sounds and rhythm and light of everyone else's performance.

How wonderful to finally see the incredible ball we are a part of!  
What beautiful wisdom eventually leads us to leave behind our fixed notion of what we want and how we want to receive it and welcome instead the delightful "surprises" just waiting for us to recognize them and embrace them into our hearts, opening the door for our next passage of enlightenment and growth.

image from thinkingofstuff.com

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