Media cinematographers have perfected the process of superimposing an image on a screen…with one image overshadowing the other.
Both images can still be seen but the superimposed image is the stronger, more impressive one.
What if we were to borrow this beautiful artistry and use it energetically to help us stay connected to what is the true purpose of our life!
When we encounter another in a moment of challenge or distress, perhaps we could superimpose right over them the image of their Higher Self. Could be a brilliant white light…a figure our imaginations have created…a beautiful blend of harmonic colors and sounds…however we wish to portray the image of Higher Self.
This superimposed figure would no doubt be bathed in love and caring for its human counterpart, softly offering the energy of confidence and support, smiling and nodding as the individual breaks through the barriers of the challenge and finds his way to a LOVE directed answer.
And, if the human counterpart has not yet found his way but is suffering from some hurt or pain, Higher Self would be offering the energy of compassion and unconditional love.
And… as WE enter the scene… we would also be accompanied by our Higher Self superimposed upon us. The two beautiful Spirits would recognize each other, and connect telepathically through the realm of LOVE.
What if we made a habit of seeing this superimposed figure covering EVERYONE we saw.
Wouldn’t life look different to us?
Wouldn’t we be eternally bathed in the higher vibration of Spirit?
Wouldn’t we see others through new eyes, through the vision of our and their Higher Selves?
Let's consider the beautiful and inspiring possibility of GATHERING all of our Higher Selves and welcoming them into our consciousness.
What a wonderful way to experience the day and see ourselves protected, honored and loved by this supreme vibration!
image from eternalgodz.blogspot.com
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