My sister remarked to me the other day that I was so fortunate in having GUIDANCE...from the Divine Universe. And she meant...to help me get through the moments in life which feel so difficult and heavy. Like when you're wearing the lead apron you get when you're having an X-Ray at the dentist's office, only this one is full-body and there are three or four of them stacked up on you. I'm sure you know what I mean...the times when you feel blindsided and without the resources to "get up offa that thing" as James Brown sings it.
My sister and l talk about this Guidance a lot and we both KNOW that EVERYONE has it from all kinds of sources, BUT many are not aware it is there moving through our thoughts and inspirations and circulating all around us, offering loving support, grace and direction. This seems to be a well-kept secret and it shouldn't be for it is the BEST NEWS out there.
All it takes is having the INTENTION to receive and opening your heart channel which will alert you when these beautiful messages are coming in. And they come in from the strangest places...an email message, a random comment, the lyrics of a song, a new thought that seems to spring from nowhere, a horn honking outside exactly when you are contemplating taking action. It's a glorious, on going celebration of the Ultimate Help Desk...your Divine CONNECTION to the Love that rocks the Universe.
This morning I got one of these wonderful messages and it has showed up before for me as a soft whisper but today it is drum-rolling itself so I won't miss it. And here it is:
When life feels H E A V Y and it seems so difficult to get through it, make the simple switch from Living the "HEAVY" to Watching Yourself do the "DANCE". In this moment, consciously be Who You Truly Are...and that is your Soul. Ranjna Sharma, coach, trainer and Soul Guide from Delhi, India, says "It is not the Soul that is Living in the Body... it is the Body that is living in the Soul." It is your SOUL who is the executive spiritual administrator of the show you are living.
Can you see the drama of your life through the Soul's Vision? Can you see that YOU are playing the scene your soul has written? This life which seems SO vibrant, SO real and, sometimes, SO very difficult is the product of your soul's intention to experience, grow and learn. So while you live the "play" your soul has created, do not fail to appreciate your skill and art and complete immersion in the "production" for the YOU of today is a GLORIOUS present expression of your soul's longing to "DANCE" in the Universe.
It's a magnificent expansion, a blossoming of Life itself.
THAT is what all of this heaviness is about...the opportunity to step up and step into our soul script and bring in our exquisite creativity to choose how it all plays out,
We are not alone on this Stage of Our Soul's Making. We have the Guidance of Love in its many forms and the joy (and appreciation) of Observing Ourselves address the many adventures of life in this dimension.
Marie Helena
image from www.dragoart.com
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