As we celebrate the beautiful occasion of Mother's Day, my thoughts are drawn to the power and beauty and significance of Love as it is expressed in Divine feminine energy. This beautiful Grace which streams so elegantly from the hearts of women. Such an exquisite blessing. It seems to be their birthright . . . their gift to the world.I
Somehow, women intuitively know that when someone is experiencing pain, in that moment there is nothing more powerful, more healing than for that person to feel understood. To have someone mirror back to them an understanding of the intensity of their pain or distress and how it is affecting them.
This essential longing to be understood is a vital part of the human condition. Without this loving kindness it is difficult for an individual to move forward into an acknowledgment of what is transpiring. And, without that acknowledgment, that acceptance, it is impossible to move through the experience to the other side. . . . to the peace that comes through Surrender.
The feminine heart holds the key to the unfolding of this process. We are all so in need of this exquisite form of compassion. When we receive it, we find the energy to lead ourselves through the dark night of the soul. This precious feminine offering is the antidote to loneliness, to abandonment. It promotes caring, a sense of safety, connection.
Because our world is changing and evolving it is wonderful to note that feminine energy is now being expressed by males as well. And, in return, masculine energy is leading by example the demonstration of the importance and value of steadfastness and devotion.
How wonderful that we all minister to each other, sharing the precious and pleasing endowments of our earthly lives!
Marie Helena
image on Pinterest
Joyce Hicks watercolor
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