5, 2014

Earth Life is such an interesting combination of the fascinating and the mundane.
And, often, we place our consciousness on those everyday tasks and responsibilities…cleaning, cooking, earning a paycheck, paying our bills (and our taxes), keeping up with the news and the neighbors.
What we often take for granted is the fascinating, the miraculous, the wondrous phenomena thatsurrounds us and quietly anchors our everyday life.
I am talking about the body…that same body that can get tired and feel aches and get a cold. We can become so caught up with these body sensations that we miss the message right in front of us.
And that message is:
The body is a work of art...a masterpiece.
This wonderful body that can process emotions…sadness, for example, that permeates our every cell and takes that sadness and changes it into chemicals that move through the body and release themselves through the shedding of tears.
This wonderful body that can harbor an embryo and nurture it so carefully on a beautiful heavenly timetable so that a fully developed infant is born with all of the chemistry and growth patterns intact to help it become a mature adult.
This wonderful body that can produce super-human strength through its resource of adrenalin, aiding a grief-stricken mother to lift machinery that weighs many times her weight to save the life of her child.
This wonderful body that can do all of this and much, more more has the capacity to heal itself...IF we don’t get in the way.
But it’s so easy to do that…and so human to get lost in the duality of our life and the problems we have taken on.
It is our work to see beyond the mundane and our suffering and to trust in the sacredness, the gift of life.
It is our work to keep our hearts and emotions clear by acknowledging our feelings, accepting them, valuing and not judging them and speaking them in a loving way to ourselves and to others.
It is our work to clear the way for the body to do what it has been designed for…to provide radiant health.
It is so very clear. There is Proof Positive that our body has the capacity to do this if we look at the miracles that already happen.
All that we have to do is get out of our own way,
enter into the flow of life
and connect with the LOVE that governs the universe!
Marie Helena
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