We are such beautiful creators, bringing into our lives whatever we give energy to! Sometimes we flow in a beautiful space of peace and joy and gratitude and the things we focus on in that moment enter into our lives with elegance, beauty and exquisite timing. In their own unique wrappings, possibly not ones we could have imagined.
Sometimes, though, we knock around in a space of frustration and annoyance, paradoxically angry with the world and the people in it for reflecting us to ourselves (a small bit of cosmic humor from the Divine Universe).
When we finally awake to this strange but divinely inspired strategy, the “pesky” people around us no longer appear to be villains. They are all very clearly delivery persons with very specific assignments. (Perhaps we could even imagine them in their spiffy delivery uniforms.) They have something to tell us. A message about ourselves.
And the question is: Are we listening?
If we ARE listening…if we are able to see the lucid reflection of ourselves being beamed right to us, life transforms from a nest of annoying, varmints buzzing around to yet another inspired scenario (which, perhaps we do not feel quite up to perceiving...but the Universe knows our beautiful souls and senses our readiness whether we can feel it or not).
The message here is: We are so loved that we keep getting the gifts we are “ready” for on a soul level. They WILL keep coming. For our learning. For our edification. For the spiritual evolution to be experienced on the earth plane. There is no hiding Who We Truly Are...Divine Creatures catapulted into a world of adventure designed to WAKE UP and ENJOY every moment of this awesome experience.
When we do learn to see and appreciate what is being revealed to us about ourselves, we cannot help but be totally entranced at the existence and operation of such a mystical intelligence And, when we eventually grasp Who We Truly Are…and revel in the brilliance of it…we begin to create from a place of JOY! And, (here’s the magical part), because we are focusing on our JOY, we get MOREof it!
The Divine Gift that keeps on giving! How beautiful is that!
Marie Helena
image from pinterest
painting by Marc Allante
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