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Friday, January 31, 2025

The Game

We have gotten so VERY good at playing THE GAME of PRETENDING that we are alone and not the creators of our lives.
Steve Rother (and his mentors)
The Magnetic Whip

Now that’s quite a game to get into…and, according to Steve Rother, I already have. You, too, says Steve.  It’s the human condition. The way we view the world and what makes us feel stressed, anxious and frustrated.

And what if Steve Rother is right and all this pretending is not necessary? What if it’s a cover for the Divine Creatures we really are and what if we have been hiding behind this disguise all this time?  What if we really are spiritual beings having a physical experience?

Let’s think about this for a minute and consider how the recognition of this could work in our lives.

There is a huge difference between exerting tons of energy on our many dreams and wishes in the hope of manifesting what we desire (in the pretend game) and, instead, simply consciously choosing our intention and then ALLOWING the Divine Universe to bring it to us…in the most beautiful and powerful and perfect way possible.

Sounds a lot easier…and more practical…and, ultimately, a lot more fun. If we had a knowingness about the magnitude of our ability all we would have to do is choose to use it whenever we want.

Can you imagine the awesome privilege of that position? And because we are Divine Connectors our goal would naturally be to embrace our Highest Good and the Highest Good of everyone involved.

Now, we don’t always know what that Highest Good is but the Divine Universe does and we don’t have to worry about the details. Once we are clear about our intention and express it, we need to leave the playing field and go do something else…read a good book, see some friends, take a walk…just distract ourselves while the Universe takes over. 

Sounds to me like a plan…and a very good one. And it also feels easy.

What if this were true?

The question is: If we are so very good at pretending, consider how stellar we can be at EMBRACINGTHIS adventure?

Who’s running YOUR show?

                       Marie Helena 

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