Wouldn't it be wonderful to have your own very special MENTOR? Someone to inspire and guide you...and help you recover if you stumble and fall. Someone who's got your back. Someone who truly honors your gifts and talents and wants to help you challenge yourself but does it in the gentlest way.
You may think this kind of arrangement is not the easiest to find and ask yourself "In this busy world who has time for ME?". And, because you haven't found the luxury of this ever-on-duty sage adviser, it seems it's ALL ON YOU and so you go through your day trying to address your issues with every ounce of strength and insight you can gather. And, well, it's exhausting...and, sometimes, it doesn't go so well. But, frazzled though you may be, you keep giving it the old college try.
Do you know there is a still, small voice trying to get your attention and put your worries to rest? A comforting, affirming messenger bringing you solace or inspiration or even energizing you...whatever is the perfect gift in the perfect moment.
Why is it so difficult for us to discern this? Is it because society has indoctrinated us to the idea that WE have to keep "trying"? Trying to do a better job, trying to find the answer to our problems, trying to satisfy ourselves...or others?
Somehow we miss the gentle, divine "voice" that comes into us as softly as a harp or string violin inspiring us, showing us the way to achieve our aspirations. It may be disguised as an image, a memory, a new thought, an inspiration. It may be spoken by another or appear in an email or in a show we are watching but it is always the perfect counsel, pointing us in the direction of our dreams.
And that is why we need to SURRENDER our problems...stop trying to figure them out. Listen, instead, to our wonderful bodies which are telling us to walk away and rest. We merely need to have a CLEAR AND CONSCIOUS INTENTION regarding what we want help with and then we need to LEAVE THE PLAYING FIELD and do something that brings us joy.
We are designed to discover the wonder and beauty of life.
We are designed to remember the ever present and ever powerful Divine force that is supporting and loving us and just waiting to be accessed and embraced. The force through which all wisdom flows...the force which always has our back and knows the grandest way to gift us with what we desire.
As Lola Jones, spiritual teacher and healer, says, "Let the Divine do the Heavy Lifting...just watch for the Divine Opening!"
Like Lola Jones, I believe we are meant to GLIDE through the Magical Playground of our Lives sustained by our awareness of the Divine grace just awaiting our attention, the beautiful manifestation of the mentor we have dreamed of.
Marie Helena
image from HikingArtist.com
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