Our lives are filled with MESSAGES waiting to be delivered to us.
And the messengers who deliver these messages are everywhere.
They include everyone we encounter... from our family to our colleagues, sales clerks, repairmen, television personalities, the little boy playing across the street...even the bad-tempered clerk who waited on us in the store or the driver who cut us off in traffic.
They exist in our world to present to us the life view we hold about ourselves and they may be engaging and endearing or frustrating and fractious.
If you can summon up some perspective about this and add in a dash of creativity and humor, I have a suggestion regarding how to enhance and enjoy this experience.
Give them all WINGS...in your imagination! Make them all ANGELS!
They exist in our world to present to us the life view we hold about ourselves and they may be engaging and endearing or frustrating and fractious.
If you can summon up some perspective about this and add in a dash of creativity and humor, I have a suggestion regarding how to enhance and enjoy this experience.
Give them all WINGS...in your imagination! Make them all ANGELS!
They are all actually doing the work of angels...helping us see the picture of the world we have created for ourselves and master the earthwork we have undertaken.
And since this is how the earth school system works we might as well put a big, broad smile on our face while we learn our lessons.
Consider the visual delight of walking into a GATHERING of family or friends and imagining all of them with their own unique set of wings fluttering in a beat to match their personality.
The gregarious individual would have wide, flapping appendages whisking the air to and fro with the vibration of his excitement.
The person who loves to sing or hum would be sporting smooth pinions undulating with a distinctive rhythm.
The joker in the group would probably have one of his wings tucked into a piece of clothing so he would attract the second takes he loves so much.
All of these individuals could be illustrating for us the joy and excitement and fun we are experiencing in our lives.
In our next encounter, however, we might find a road rage driver with stress written all over his face. He, too, would be sporting wings but his accessories might be audacious wings that would move thunderously in a loud, clapping sound.
Now it may be easy to picture the so-called "nice guys" in the angelic costume but it may seem strange to picture our road rage driver wearing wings and you might wonder how this frustrating individual can fill this
angelic role.
Fact is...he may be resonating with something inside us, something unsettled...a stress we have not acknowledged, perhaps, or let ourselves experience. And he is showing up in our life to bring this omission to our attention.
And here is how he might be an angel to us...Emotions that are not acknowledged go underground (translate...deep inside us) and often make their next appearance dressed as a major upset, illness or disease.
And here is how he might be an angel to us...Emotions that are not acknowledged go underground (translate...deep inside us) and often make their next appearance dressed as a major upset, illness or disease.
So it would behoove us to welcome ALL of the angels in our life and give thanks for the messages they bring us regardless of the varying roles they play.
After all, the Divine Universe only assigns them the reflections of our own mojo so we can "hear" the sounds and "see" the pictures we are making with the way we choose to live our life and also learn the lessons we have chosen for our experience here.
So, I say, WING ON!
Recognize these Divine creatures with their dazzling
(if imaginary) WINGS who are educating and enlightening us and enjoy their sometimes affirming, sometimes challenging messages while we earn our own bright and beautiful wings in earth school!
Marie Helena
image from pinterest.com
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