There is a very deep and special place inside each of us waiting and wanting to be filled...it's the nature of our earth school journey.
As we travel our path we all experiment in an attempt to find what will actually meet that longing in our hearts.
Power, money, possessions, fame, control, admiration all seem like possibilities...and we embark on our adventures trying these things on to see how they feel.
All of the above have one important thing in common...they all exist outside of ourselves...which means, among other things, that we can't predict how they will roll out in our lives. We can make gargantuan efforts to attain them...or, they may seem to drop into our laps...but they can meteorically rise and fall. Even more importantly, they only provide us with what appears to be external "rewards"...and, in the long run, do not satisfy our soul.
And so we are left with this longing to give substance and meaning to our lives.
In the last few days I have felt inspired to direct my energy towards the concept of healing...practicing healing efforts for myself and for everyone I encounter.
We usually have a good idea of what we want to strengthen in our lives and, if we pay attention and observe the actions of others, we will probably have an idea of how we can encourage, acknowledge and affirm them on their journeys.
Here's what I found when I turned my attention to this point of focus.
ANY effort I made to help heal myself or another gave me a profound satisfaction and sense of joy and I knew it was filling the space I felt of longing for the something more.
In addition, it helped me to accept what I found coming my way (What Is) because as I embraced whatever was coming in, I had a sense of what to do with it....use it to help me become more than I have been...use it to help others to become more than they have been.
That forward motion, that reaching onward, that beautiful evolution, it seems to me, is what fills the space I have been describing which, then, makes me believe that we are here to become grander, more expansive, more loving and caring of ourselves and of everyone around us.
This amazing evolutionary motion is what brings us PEACE and, in reaching for this beautiful aspiration, we gift ourselves and everyone we encounter with the grace of kindness...supporting and empowering all of us to fill the space that is waiting in our hearts.
We truly are in this together.
Marie Helena
image from thecreativemearchive.com
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