I simply gave you what I longed for.
Jason Wilson
If there is something important in your life that you are missing, something you did not receive and desperately needed…a sense of identity or worthiness, for example...there is a way to make your personal history a beautiful and meaningful experience. Because you did not receive this gift you so longed for, you have profound clarity about what this loss feels like and, undoubtedly, you have dreamed about what it would be like if things were different.
This deep sense of desire, intense awareness and passionate longing may be exactly what is needed for you to be able to gift others with the very thing you do not have. And, the very fact that you do not have it may be evidence of a soul contract you have made so that you would be powerfully motivated to see that all others in your wake would not experience your pain. In this case, your motivation has been sourced through the principle of omission which can be a magnificent impetus for gracious and generous service to others.
There is certainly a mystifying logic to this but the journey of the soul is an original and very creative path. The breadth and depth of what this caring of yours can accomplish for others is unimaginable. And, what is gained from this devoted, beneficent action will advance the evolution of your soul in luminous and profound ways.
We are Divine Creatures sourced in Love and we take great delight in finding remarkable ways to traverse our earth journey.
Marie Helena
image from pinteret.com
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