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Friday, May 25, 2018

Secrets of the Rain Stick

 Some time ago while wandering through a small, quaint shop filled with Native American art and artifacts I came across a majestic RAIN STICK resting quietly against a shelf. 

 It was a VERY large rain stick...the biggest I had ever seen...and it was definitely calling my name.

I was very taken with the energy of the rain stick which I clearly perceived but found there was much, much more to discover about its magic.

Of course I could not leave the shop without it and so began the journey which  has led me to writing this blog post today.

A big part of the beauty of this rain stick is that it is totally unassuming.  It rests happily in the corner of a room...leaning against a wall...softly blending in with its surroundings.

But...when we  hold the rain stick in our arms...it reveals its incomparable beauty.

The important aspect of this gesture has to do with the WAY we hold this precious object.
If we gently cradle it...intensely aware of its presence and texture...and then ever so gently tilt the rain stick...we will receive the honeyed, mellifluous resonance and vibration of rain ever so slowly beginning its earthward journey. 
And, if we almost imperceptibly and with great patience, continue to move the rain stick in an upward direction, it will gladly release the precious and continuing outpouring of its exquisite melody.

Shortly after the last time I experienced this amazing occurrence I realized that I was being gifted with a beautiful wisdom about how to hold the rain stick's beauty forever in my heart.

And here is that message.

The rain stick is a metaphor
...an image representing the people and circumstances and events of our life and, if we "hold" their presence with the same admiration and esteem that we give to the rain stick...and if we "cradle" them with our loving attention and compassion and understanding...they, too, will gift us with the beauty of their song.

What an important lesson the rain stick just waits to reveal in the perfect moment when we are ready to listen!

Our curiosity and approach and the strong intention to enter into the beauty of each moment will ALWAYS bring us the blessings of this beautiful and loving RAIN.

                                                                                   Marie Helena
Image from achildrenspoemaday.wordpress.com

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